Summer is a Great Time for Youth Volunteers at HFF!
Summer is always a great time for youth volunteers at HFF, and this summer is no exception! We’ve had fabulous groups of young people volunteer with us and learn about family homelessness. These wonderful groups of young people will shape our tomorrow and make our world a better place!

There are too many to mention all of the wonderful groups who have come out to volunteer with us, but we would be remiss if we did not name a few!
We would like to send a special thank you shout out to YMCA of Greenville’s Teen Services Branch, who sent 30 students to volunteer with us for a week in June. We would also like to send a huge thank you to the Catholic Heart Work Camp, who sent a lovely group of kids and adults to volunteer with us for a week at the end of June. Other groups, like St. Catherine’s School, volunteered with us for a day. The Boys’ Choir from the National Cathedral will be with us in August – we’re hoping to be lucky enough for them to have time to sing for us after volunteering! St. Edward’s Catholic Church’s youth group will be with us for a day soon, as well. There are opportunities for everyone. Parents bring their children to volunteer. The National Charity League of Midlothian painted a beautiful mural in our playroom. Jack and Jill made blankets for our families. KinderCare made snack bags. The Vacation Bible School at St. James Episcopal Church made Summer Fun Packs for our kids. We are truly thankful for the wonderful kids who are taking time out of their summers to make our families’ lives better. We could not do what we do without our volunteers, and our young volunteers are extremely special to us!
If you are a part of a group or know of a group that would like to volunteer with HFF, please contact Terri today. Thank you for your support!